The Cruise Control Diet PDF Food List (150+ Foods)

cruise control diet

Looking for a cruise control diet pdf?  Well you have come to the right place.  Keep reading to learn about the cruise control diet and how you can get a cruise control diet pdf containing more than 150 foods permitted for this diet.  But first, let’s briefly discuss the cruise control diet.

There are plethora of diet plans across the world that are being practiced by people with the goal of losing weight. The cruise control diet is one of the most effective diets among those. If you are really struggling with your current diet plan, you should give it a try. It could be the end to your weight loss woes.

The Cruise Control Diet History

The main principal of the cruise Control diet is to eat all natural whole foods to facilitate weight loss.  Our downloadable cruise control diet pdf is full of these foods.   The fascinating fact about this special diet is you can burn your extra fat from your body without even following any detailed instructions.

The idea of the cruise control diet was generated from James Ward. After trying so many different diet plans, he observed that one regains his lost weight after going off the diet which is not an optimal solution at all.


He realized that dieters need a sustainable diet plan which will be effective even if they go off that particular diet plan. From that thought, the idea of the cruise control diet emerged. This diet plan became popular in 2012, one year after James Ward shared this with the dieters via his website. So, it is safe to say that this diet has been around for a while and it is not just some fleeting diet trend.


cruise control diet pdf


General Cruise Control Diet Rules

The general rules of this diet program are:

  1. You have to consume natural whole foods which are tonics for burning fats.
  2. Eating processed and packaged foods is completely prohibited. (see permitted foods in our cruise control diet pdf)
  3. You don’t have to count the calories that you consume. You should only follow your natural instinct while eating foods.

These principles might seem a bit odd to some people because of its non-restrictive regulation while eating foods. Most dieters are used to following highly restrictive diets. From that perspective, people might think this diet won’t work effectively which is entirely a wrong conclusion.

The principle of the cruise control diet is to not restrict the natural hunger of a human being. Rather than that one should keep eating healthy. This diet only does not permit you taking meals which are not natural.


Is The Cruise Control Diet Safe?

Yes, this diet is not only safe but also effective for your body. Because you are avoiding processed foods as well as fried foods that contain plethora of calories and sugar, it makes you healthier. No matter how much you eat, refraining from these types of foods will always be better for your body. This is how you will start losing your body fat naturally.

This diet also steps up and resets your brain and body. After two to three weeks of eating clean, your body will no longer crave for junk and unprocessed foods. So, it is really crucial to maintain this diet plan strictly for the first few weeks to make your journey successful.

Calorie counting diets or other diets completely eliminating food groups, are overwhelming, in some points even stressful to maintain, the cruise control diet is easier and sustainable. In addition, you won’t have to focus on physical exercises to achieve your goal through this diet plan. However, exercising is always recommended for overall health.  So, it is pretty safe to say that this diet is safe and very effective.

Now that you have learned about the cruise control diet, get started by downloading our cruise control diet pdf with a list of permitted foods to help you begin losing weight easily and naturally.  Simply enter your information below to gain immediate access.